Le 18/08/2019 à 08:16, Jürgen Hötzel a écrit :
Bruno Pagani via arch-dev-public writes:
orphan merlin (OCaml smart auto-completion for emacs/vim) and its dependency tree as I’m no longer using any of those and don’t expect to use them again:
– cppo – dune ^^^^
I'd take maintainership of dune. More and more OCaml projects switch from ocamlbuild and other legacy build system to dune: It is very likely that in the future all important OCaml-based applications will (make)depend on it.
OK great, just adopt it in ArchWeb then. ;) Also please be aware that upstream almost always retag releases (their process is tagging, trying to upload to opam, fix issues, retag and so on until it works), so you should wait for new releases to appear in opam and not just for them to be tagged as such in GitHub (for instance, 1.11.0 was tagged three times, first on 18/07/2019 at 08:02 UTC, last on 22/07/2019 at 17:16 UTC).
– menhir – merlin – ocaml-biniou – ocaml-easy-format – ocaml-yojson +1
OCaml developers will have a better experience using the standard OCaml package manager "opam" anyway (I'm using merlin-lsp via "opam pin" instead of merlin).
OK, then I will just plainly remove them, and if someone think they can still be useful outside of opam, they are free to re-upload them to the AUR. Regards, Bruno