On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 07:28:13PM +0100, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
Users are happy with the new ISOs, just read the Forum thread about it.
You know what. I don't care if the users are happy with the new ISOs. That's right, I finally said it. _I DON'T CARE_ I don't care because _I_ am not happy with them. As someone who can see that from a technological standpoint, it's a marvel that they even work, that is, as a software developer, I'm ashamed to be associated with such a shoddy product. I've offered alternatives, hell I've spent a lot of time offering alternatives, built on more solid software enginerring principles than "Users are Happy", but no one around here, save Dan and Aaron, who just happen to be code contributors, seems to give a damn. What's up with that? -- Simo Leone Archlinux (except the ISOs) Developer