On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 07:42:20PM -0400, Dave Reisner wrote:
Hey all,
I'll be pushing a package into testing this weekend by the name of 'pambase'. The name and basis for this package comes from Gentoo. I'd like for this to live in [core] and become a dependency of PAM (as well as absorb /etc/pam.d/other).
pambase will provide a few common PAM configuration files which other services can draw from (essentially implementing an ancient FS [1]). For example, it shrinks a useful /etc/pam.d/login down to the following:
auth required pam_securetty.so auth include system-local-login account include system-local-login session include system-local-login
In the short term, util-linux will be rebuilt to enable binaries from its login-utils subdirectory: login, chfn, chsh, vigr, vipw, and newgrp. They'll disappear from shadow, and I suspect that over time, more of shadow's utils will re-appear in util-linux (with the benefit of a more active and responsive maintainer/community).
In the long term, other utilities are encouraged to adopt these common PAM files.
Until I actually release the package, I've left a source tarball on gerolde, for interested parties to review [2].
Cheers, Dave
[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/17188 [2] http://dev.archlinux.org/~dreisner/pambase-20120602-1.src.tar.gz
Since there were no objections, I've rebuilt PAM and added pambase to testing.