Simo Leone wrote:
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 02:01:45PM -0400, Paul Mattal wrote:
at. The problem is, things change over time.. being a developer is very different now than it was when many of us joined up, and it's helpful to have some central repository of shared knowledge that we can rely upon, all linked from one central place.
Not to sound overly sarcastic or anything, but I call that a wiki...
It's a good point, but wikis in general and this one in specific turn out to be unwieldy. Useful wikis usually contain tons of information, and not the kind that can be kept in a person's mind at all times when packaging. So I would suggest we either need a better guide or less expectation that things will be uniform. I'm actually quite okay with the latter.. people here just usually make things work when they see things broken. It all works out. - P