On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:41 AM, Eric BĂ©langer<snowmaniscool@gmail.com> wrote:
Duplicate PKGBUILDs ---------------------
Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends -------------------------------- extra/texlive-genericextra depends on community/lzma-utils (0 extra (make)deps to pull)
Thanks a lot for all your work Eric, now we are down to just deps/hierarchy problems. I guess it does not really matter where the reports are sent, since it always looked like Eric was the only one paying any attention to what the tool is reporting :) Fortunately, one person looking at it makes this tool useful, so thanks again. Is arch-notifications available to all devs/tu? If the reports are sent there, it is possible to add me in CC if/when errors or strange problems are happening. Otherwise, I noticed a few apps below depend on kde groups : ftpmonitor kpacman syncekonnector but none of these packages seem to be in pacman database. Maybe there should be a separate simple tool comparing pkgbuild tree vs pacman databases (vs packages on ftp/rsync) to make sure everything is in sync. But I will need some more details about what the information we currently have to make this possible. Afaik ftpdir-cleanup already takes care of the pacman databases vs ftp packages part so we really just need the pkgbuild tree vs pacman databases part to fill the gap. ================================================ = Integrity Check i686 of core,extra,community = ================================================ Performing integrity checks... ==> parsing pkgbuilds ==> checking mismatches ==> checking archs ==> checking dependencies ==> checking makedepends ==> checking for circular dependencies Missing Dependencies ---------------------- eclipse-ve --> 'eclipse<3.3' flumotion --> 'gstreamer0.10-libpng' flumotion --> 'gstreamer0.10-vorbis' flumotion --> 'gstreamer0.10-theora' flumotion --> 'gstreamer0.10-ogg' twisted-words --> 'twisted-web' kungfu --> 'gstreamer0.10-dvdread' kungfu --> 'gstreamer0.10-mpeg2dec' kungfu --> 'gstreamer0.10-libpng' kungfu --> 'gstreamer0.10-theora' ftpmonitor --> 'kdebase' archboot --> 'libdownload>=1.3-3' archboot --> 'vim>=7.2.234-1' kpacman --> 'kdegames' syncekonnector --> 'kdepim' bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-alsa' bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-cdparanoia' bmpx --> 'gstreamer0.10-vorbis' moovida --> 'python-cssutils' Missing Makedepends --------------------- pandoc --> 'haskell-zip-archive' v86d --> 'kernel26<2.6.30' id3lib-rcc --> 'gcc34' greycstoration --> 'gcc34' kdelibs3 --> 'autoconf<2.64' tvision --> 'gcc34' classpath --> 'jikes' Repo Hierarchy for Dependencies --------------------------------- extra/haskell-hashed-storage depends on community/haskell-zlib (0 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/neverball depends on community/physfs (0 extra (make)deps to pull) Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends -------------------------------- core/crda depends on extra/python-m2crypto (27 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/opensp (29 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/iputils depends on extra/docbook-xsl (27 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/gperf (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/udev depends on extra/libxslt (25 extra (make)deps to pull) core/e2fsprogs depends on extra/bc (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/sqlite3 depends on extra/tcl (0 extra (make)deps to pull) core/ca-certificates depends on extra/ruby (25 extra (make)deps to pull) extra/gnome-speech depends on community/espeak (1 extra (make)deps to pull : portaudio) Summary --------- Missing PKGBUILDs: 0 Invalid PKGBUILDs: 0 Mismatching PKGBUILD names: 0 Duplicate PKGBUILDs: 0 Invalid archs: 0 Missing (make)dependencies: 26 Repo hierarchy problems: 12 Circular dependencies: 0