On Thursday 29 May 2008 22:43:22 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Let's create a kde-repo on top of our testing repo and see how we can package it and manage the transition from kde3.
OK, this was quite some work. I have moved the repo to other/kde-testing. This way it should be found on some mirrors soon. It's meant to be used in the follwoing order in pacman.conf: kde-testing testing core extra community Be warned: this will replace the existing KDE-3 packages by their equivalents of KDE-4.1. By installing kdelibs3 packages that depend on the old KDE "should" still work. (After KDE-4.1 is released to extra we "just" have to update the dependencies of the remaining KDE-3 packages; a rebuilt "should" not be needed) In order to not mess up things I have setup a separate git-repo containing all used PKGBUILDs: web: http://git.archlinux.de/cgit.cgi?url=kde-testing/ git: http://git.archlinux.de/~pierre/kde-testing.git Feel free to report any suggestions etc.. (by this I mean packaging bugs of course) If there is any dev who wants to help building this stuff for i686, please let me know. Happy bug-hunting, Pierre -- archlinux.de