On Feb 9, 2008 9:10 AM, Dale Blount <dale@archlinux.org> wrote:
ext2 /boot ext3 / (all defaults)
I find it interesting that about 50% of the extX using devs use ext2 on /boot. Can someone elaborate as to why?
Technically, it's faster. Mounting it doesn't need to do any journal shimmying, so it saves a few milliseconds. It's actually the same rationale for using a separate /boot - it's faster to mount a 100 MB partition than it is to mount a 120GB partition/disk. All-in-all though, these doesn't make a significant difference as boot-time bottlenecks happen at other places. I will point out though, that on my "omg fast boot" mythtv machine (which is now the arch64 build machine), I was able to save 2 seconds on boot by doing these tricks - I actually got it to boot to console login in 7 seconds. It was fun.