6 Jan
6 Jan
6:07 p.m.
On 01/06/2010 12:59 PM, Thomas Bächler wrote:
Am 06.01.2010 07:09, schrieb Paul Mattal:
* supports anacron-type behaviors
Can you elaborate on that? All I want is that a "missed" daily/weekly/monthly cron job is executed after boot on a machine that's not always-on. That's why I use fcron, nothing more. Will that be possible with the new dcron?
Based on Jim's description in his list of "highlights" on the new homepage, it does this: * accepts @daily, @reboot, etc. options in crontabs; @daily jobs don't require the machine to be running at any specific time Sounds like it also does some more sophisticated variants on this, if you only want it run in a particular window, for example: http://www.jimpryor.net/linux/yacron.html - P