"Maxime Gauduin" <alucryd@archlinux.org> on Tue, 2016/07/05 17:55:
July 5 2016 7:41 PM, "Maxime Gauduin" <alucryd@archlinux.org> wrote:
Hi all,
A new 3.1.1 FFmpeg point release just came out, fixing the ABI issues present in 3.1. This means we have to start the FFmpeg rebuild over, apologies for the inconvenience.
I edited the 3.1 rebuild and passed everything back to incomplete, please dedicate your CPU time to the greater good once more.
Cheers, - -- Maxime
Hi again,
Antonio pointed out to me that we could just drop the rebuild entirely since 3.1.1 should be ABI compatible with 3.0, and db-remove any rebuilt package from staging/community-staging.
I'll move 3.1.1 to testing (currently in staging) shortly so that everybody can check whether there are any incompatibilities left, and will db-remove the already rebuilt packages at the same time.
I have to rebuild mpv anyway as it complains about the version bump (even if everything works). Should I wait for ffmpeg in [community-testing] or push a rebuild to [community-staging] now? Will you do the final move to [community]? -- main(a){char*c=/* Schoene Gruesse */"B?IJj;MEH" "CX:;",b;for(a/* Best regards my address: */=0;b=c[a++];) putchar(b-1/(/* Chris cc -ox -xc - && ./x */b/42*2-3)*42);}