On Jun 22, 2013 2:49 PM, "Thomas Bächler" <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Am 22.06.2013 20:10, schrieb Pierre Schmitz:
Am 22.06.2013 17:33, schrieb Thomas Bächler:
Setting up Arch on a root server should be as easy as this: * Boot rescue system, make sure you have Linux 2.6.32 or later * Download tarball from Arch, extract to /tmp/root.x86_64/ * Set up partitions and such, mount to /tmp/root.x86_64/mnt/ * chroot /tmp/root.x86_64/ (well, also some bind-mounts) * pacman-key --populate archlinux * pacstrap /mnt base and follow the installation guide
I'd like to generate such tarballs regularly (monthly like our ISOs?) and put them on our mirrors, unless there are objections.
Good idea. I had something like this in mind for some time; I did not think of putting only pacstrap and deps into the tar though.
I think I tested this once and it is sufficient. As a plus, it has all dependencies so you can use pacman to install more packages into the
I wonder if you could use arch-chroot isntead of just chroot here.
It requires bash 4 - if that's not installed on the host, arch-chroot will not work. I would rather provide instructions involving manual bind-mounting and chroot.
If you think its worthwhile to make the install scripts bash 3 compat I can look into doing this.
You can also use the pacman.conf from the releng scripts.
I pretty much used the default pacman.conf from our packages (also enabled Color, but that didn't do anything). Is the releng one different?
And to be safe you should prefix pacstrap with a setarch call.
Already done as per Gerardo's suggestion: https://paste.xinu.at/lNIrq/
I'd say we include this script into the releng scripts (either archiso or create a nwe package; atm I use some additional script for releasing an ISO image) and upload such a tar at the same time as the ISO image.
I was thinking about including this into arch-install-scripts, but I am unsure if it really fits in there.