2009/4/4 Eduardo Romero <k3nsai@gmail.com>:
The above article is a good read, and gives power to what I originally said and Aaron agreed on. Microsoft is getting hurt with every patent they try to sue open source vendors with. They have to settle and get no compensation.
Microsoft is weaker than it was 5 years ago, Steve Ballmer has to do with it, he is concentrating on the things that are wrong, sure maybe someone else can bring MS to the top again, but that is very unlikely, Steve Ballmer will remain there indefinitely.
A year ago I was very pessimistic with the way Linux was fairing worldwide, nowadays I get more confident that Linux is getting stronger and that MS is having a hard time keeping up. What I have talked to with other IT's with are only Windows users gives me even more confident, they even believe MS is not going to get any better, and most of them agrees that Windows 7 is just another bad OS.
So let's get our hopes up, Linux is going to get better and better.
What's this got to do with Arch development? Dusty