Hey all, it has been roughly two weeks since my first mail and the discussions we have had via comments on the RFC merge request have concluded. Thank you all for your improvement suggestions and feedback! This first RFC is rather special, as it is meant to bootstrap the process and introduce it for adoption (while the process is actually not yet in place). Therefore I am skipping the "Final Comment Period" on the issue tracker and instead move the proposal for adoption of the RFC process back to this mailing list for ratification (aka. the final ACK by you!). I am assuming, that a period of two weeks (starting now) is a good time frame to collect the final motion on this topic from many (if not all) of you. I would like to either merge (accept) or close (reject) the proposal after this time frame has passed. Please reply to this mail with an approval or disapproval of the process, so that a consensus can be reached. In case you have not yet read the RFC and the workflow, you can do so in the merge request [1], or - for a better reading experience - on the branch the merge request is created from [2]. Best, David [1] https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/rfcs/-/merge_requests/1 [2] https://gitlab.archlinux.org/dvzrv/rfcs/-/tree/rfc_process/ -- https://sleepmap.de