On Dec 11, 2007 11:56 PM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
ArchLinux Status Report, 2007-12-11 =================================== * TLLTS Interview
I hate self-promotion as much as the next guy, but TLLTS wants to do an interview about me tomorrow at 20:30 EST. Some of you may be interested. It'll be freeform, so I don't know what we'll talk about, but it will probably be related to where we're going in the near future.
More here: http://www.tllts.org/
You'll get $2 from me for everytime you say "codemac". This could be a serious cash cow for you.
* New netcfg scripts _still_ in [testing]
I want to poke this item here. I'd like to get some yays/nays here. I dropped the ball on including the patches into an initscripts package in [testing] which replaces the current netcfg scripts.
It's on my list - high priority.
More details here: http://archlinux.org/news/362/
I hope to try these out soon here.
== Pending Tasks, Short Term ==
* Getting rid of /opt
We officially have a todo list here. Actually, we have two:
General packages: https://archlinux.org/todo/45/ (Thanks Jeff) Mozilla specific: https://archlinux.org/todo/44/ (Thanks Alex)
It seems we haven't done a whole lot with this, though Paul's moved Eclipse out of /opt (yay!). It'd be nice if we can get to these at some point - they're not very taxing to change for the most part. Anyone willing to devote a night to knocking out the easy ones?
My last exam for the semester is on Thursday, so this upcoming weekend I should get to some of this.
* Getting rid of CVS * It has a real implementation
As I am one of the resident Mercurial whores, I'm obviously biased towards distributed. BUT! SVN has an implementation. No seriously, Jason rules and actually put in some work. So I vote for that purely because I want to get out of cvs. Now.
== Pending Tasks, Long Term == * ArchCon 2009: Big Baaad Idea
How to the Europeans feel about coming over here? And vice versa? Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that money isn't the issue here. Opinions?
What about Canada? Birthplace of Arch AND it's not as dangerous as the US (hah!).
I vote for my place! But in all seriousness, I'm not sure what I'll be doing when. I just accepted a job for when I graduate in the spring, and this obviously increases my chances of showing up immensely. I suggest definitely focusing around some convention. It makes planning easier, and they can provide hotel packages, etc for those of us who will need them. It would be awesome if this got bigger than a convention in a convention, but I don't think the planning and effort required to get our own place would be worth it. Yet if someone has a good place for us to try, I'm down with that. Basically anything goes, it's too early for me to tell. // jeff -- . : [ + carpe diem totus tuus + ] : .