Am Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:22:04 +0200 schrieb Thomas Bächler <>:
Could you be more specific?
IMO obsolete: - foomatic 2.0.3-2 - gimp-print-lprng 4.2.7-2 stable/unstable/unmaintaned: development in foomatic is only done in the stable 3.0 tree and no more in the 3.1 tree. x86_64 already has a fresh and reworked foomatic 3.0 release. i686 still has outdated 3.1 packages. see the pkg difflist. also foomatic-db-hpijs is missing in i686. i will try to restructure hplip to work with foomatic-db-hpijs. they share some drivers but there're additional in the foomatic one. gutenprint supports much more features when it can be compiled against foomatic packages. it could be splitted and also be localized. i think it would be more usefull to have gutenprint, foomatic and related packages in one repo and one category. maybe even ghostscript and x11-printing libraries. and we should try to update foomatic packages more often. Till recommended to do this every 14 days. at least on every cups bump it should be done. because the snapshots appear/disappear daily we should hold the sources in our public_html somewhere to have a common source and release date for both architectures. we should also follow the news where important changes are described in feeds. AndyRTR