This update is not Arch fun. Look what popped up on the projects list. I somehow have the feeling you don't talk with each other.
Today netcfg 2.8.0 was made available in testing. This release comes with improved systemd support. Can we push 2.7.3 to the stable repositories?
Since much has changed, a news item might be in place. Also the wiki should be updated. Is it possible to publish the html documents of netcfg at, just like with pacman?
Have a nice weekend, - Jouke
If you want 2.7.3 in core you shouldn't bump a new version to testing before you move it. Now there's no 2.7.3 pkg we can move. And the 2.8.0 was pushed before any mail to the dev-public list or any pacman install msg. I have run into a system without working network. Good it was not a remote server. Please talk to each other what steps you are planning. Maybe Jouke should get testing repo and shell access to maintain the pkg himself. -Andy