2008/2/20, eliott <eliott@cactuswax.net>:
Great! If I'll notice something else I'll notify you. I have ~50 bugreports to check now (after job-hunting period), so I'm pretty sure any annoyances will pop up at my eyes if they're still left.
how many open bugs (a total count) do we have right now? Just curious.
http://bugs.archlinux.org/toplevel/proj0 the main ("Arch Linux") project has "500 open tasks, 8305 total tasks" now, it got down from >550 to ~480 in past week or two, I think I'll close not less than 10 tonight, and ~20 (!) will be closed in new initscripts/filesystem/installer, and my estimations are that <450 is a real number to get next month (sure, even considering the fact, than many of new reports are created every day). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)