On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Jason Chu <jason@archlinux.org> wrote:
I have a machine that has been put aside for building 64 bit packages. Now that Aaron's is dead, we could start using this one. I have no idea how Aaron's was set up so I don't really have an idea on how to set this one up.
What is needed for me to make this build machine available?
I can do it. Give me sudo access and I will set it all up the same way I had mine setup. It's fairly easy, here are the steps I did: mkarchroot /var/archroot base base-devel sudo cd /etc/skel mkdir -p chroot-shell/{rw, union} ln -s /var/archroot chroot-shell/root groupadd builders Allow 'builders' to execute "makechrootpkg" in /etc/sudoers Make sure CHROOT_SHELL is an allowed envvar in /etc/sudoers add "export CHROOT_SHELL="$HOME/chroot-shell" to /etc/skel/.bashrc Ummm.... I had a cron job running "mkarchroot -u" on /var/archroot because it didn't need to boot or anything, so auto-updates are cool I also had a long motd explaining the instructions, but I can wikify that if you want. What else, what else... Make sure user accounts are added to the "builders" group. Additionally, I did install devtools from git, due to the unionfs issues (we haven't released a new devtools with that fix in it)