I renamed this thread to get it more visibility. Alexander did this list of orphans packages that can be moved to [community]: alacarte archlinux-wallpaper aspell-hu aspell-nl aspell-pt aspell-ru avfs bin86 bluez-hcidump bmp-musepack bmp-wma bochs botan cdargs dcfldd devilspie emelfm2 evilwm evolution-ews festival-english festival-us fltk-docs fltk-games fssos-nsvs gcdmaster gimp-dbp gimp-gap gimp-ufraw gmpc gtkpod hercules herqq hunspell-hu hyphen-hu hyphen-it hyphen-nl kradio kshutdown libmusicbrainz4 libofx-doc mahjong misdnuser monica mythes-hu mythes-it mythes-nl nicotine opendesktop-fonts oprofile orage perl-event perl-file-tail perl-unicode-string pidgin-encryption proftpd pymad python-httplib2 python-isodate python-xdg python-zope-interface qiv ratpoison rox xdelta xdelta3 xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfburn xfce4-artwork xfce4-battery-plugin xfce4-clipman-plugin xfce4-cpufreq-plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin xfce4-datetime-plugin xfce4-dict xfce4-diskperf-plugin xfce4-eyes-plugin xfce4-fsguard-plugin xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce4-mailwatch-plugin xfce4-mixer xfce4-mount-plugin xfce4-mpc-plugin xfce4-netload-plugin xfce4-notes-plugin xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin xfce4-systemload-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-time-out-plugin xfce4-timer-plugin xfce4-verve-plugin xfce4-wavelan-plugin zile Ronald can keep the *-nl packages. What about the others? Alexander can maintain some of them, then I'll move the orphans to [community] this Saturday/Sunday. -- Andrea Arch Linux Developer