Am 27.02.2013 16:38, schrieb Laurent Carlier:
Le mercredi 27 février 2013 16:02:10 Thomas Bächler a écrit :
Am 23.02.2013 10:23, schrieb Andreas Radke:
New unified Mesa has hit testing. Upgrade path went smooth here. Please test it.
Now the main mesa pkg should provide everything required to build and link packages. The mesa-libgl pkg providing libgl should be not be used in the dependency array when linking to - please use "libgl" that will allow users to choose also nvidia-utils or catalyst-utils.
There are still packages in extra depending on the old libgl package. We will need to fix them before makepkg will properly allow to build only against new mesa.
lib32-mesa lacks the necessary replaces= for the old split packages.
No: provides=('lib32-libglapi' 'lib32-osmesa' 'lib32-libgbm' 'lib32-libgles' 'lib32-libegl') conflicts=('lib32-libglapi' 'lib32-osmesa' 'lib32-libgbm' 'lib32-libgles' 'lib32-libegl') replaces=('lib32-libglapi' 'lib32-osmesa' 'lib32-libgbm' 'lib32-libgles' 'lib32-libegl')
So why didn't pacman ask if it should replace them?