Andreas Radke via arch-dev-public schreef op 2020-06-26 08:39:
We have to choose if we want simple
makedepends=('xorg-font-utils') or makedepends=('xorg-mkfontscale' 'xorg-bdftopcf' 'xorg-font-util')
Sure we can drop the meta package "xorg-font-utils" entirely but it simply covers all possible makedependencies to simplify packagers life. We should add another ToDo list to either fully remove the metapackage if we agree to do so or at least move it to a makedependency. Check all those packages that still depend on it at runtime probably all wrong:
The description says "transitional". The reason it exists is because it used to contain all utils it depends on. Since we have way too many font packages in the repository that depend on it, we decided to make a transitional package, which would get deleted some day when no fonts depend on it anymore. Please kill it together with this change.