Moving this discussion off of the private list, mainly because it wasn't resolved - I think Tobais' points here should be addressed. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Mar 25, 2007 1:11 PM Subject: Re: [arch-dev] Uniform handling of webservers To: Development Discussion for Arch Linux <>
Since this discussion kinda went away... I'm gonna bring it back up (hooray gmail stars keeping me on task!).
Hi, most people agree on /srv/www , but we have different opinions on how we wanna lay out the basic structure. Let's try to summary the ideas and concerns. I use apache and lighttpd to illustrate the issues: 1. shall we continuing using nobody as primary www user(group) or now when we unify things go and create a dedicated wwwuser with a reasonable set of permissions? 2. shall we create subdirs /srv/www/{httpd,lighttpd} per webserver as some people suggested? Web administration is an administrators job - not a package managers. 3. If we create subdirs, shall we have some magic that routes localhost automatically $wwwhome of the latest installed webserver? Do we wanna have magic at all? 4. Subdirs per webserver leave us with the issue, that we do not have a distinct directory, where we can install apps like phpMyAdmin per default to work out of the box. This is bad IMHO. The issue can be partially resolved by aliases or vhosts, but this requires both user interaction and some config tweaking, as lighttpd does not support easy *.conf handling with the vhost handling as apache does. There might be a way, but I have to investigate that. Also, this might mean that we will have to create special handlings per possibly installed webserver in the phpmyadmin.install post_insall(), I would like to get away without it! -T