Aaron Griffin schrieb:
@ all : if you find some x86_64 pkgs of mine not updated/build for i686, this is the reason - feel free to build them if you have the resources. thanx
Well is this is a problem at this moment, I can look into this. In fact, I might be able to setup a 32bit chroot on the same machine, which would make everything easier.
In fact, it is a simple matter of pacman -r /mnt/arch32 -c /mnt/arch32/pacman.conf -S base base-devel (with the right pacman.conf) pacman -S dchroot vi /etc/dchroot.conf I have tons of scripts for that stuff, like scripts for bind-mounting /home and such. BTW, you should add a SRCDEST directory globally if you have not already done so. Some script snippets from me: Bash prompt: USERCOL= HOSTCOL= EXTRAPROMPT= RSTCOL='\[\033[0m\]' NCOL='\[\033[0;37;40m\]' case $UID in 0) USERCOL='\[\033[0;31;40m\]' ;; *) USERCOL='\[\033[0;32;40m\]' ;; esac HOSTCOL='\[\033[1;33;40m\]' EXTRAPROMPT="[$(cat /etc/archlinux-root)]" case ${EXTRAPROMPT} in [i686*) [ "$(uname -m)" != "i686" ] && EXTRAPROMPT="\[\033[1;31;40m\]${EXTRAPROMPT}${NCOL}" ;; [x86_64*) [ "$(uname -m)" != "x86_64" ] && EXTRAPROMPT="\[\033[1;31;40m\]${EXTRAPROMPT}${NCOL}" ;; esac export PS1="${NCOL}${EXTRAPROMPT}[\t][${USERCOL}\u${NCOL}@${HOSTCOL}\h${NCOL} \W]${RSTCOL}\\$ " unset USERCOL HOSTCOL RSTCOL NCOL EXTRAPROMPT The middle part is interesting, where it makes the [i686] red if one forgets to run "linux32" with dchroot. To make life easier, I use the "arch32" script: #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$*" ]; then CMD="$*" exec linux32 dchroot -c arch32 "$CMD" else exec linux32 dchroot -c arch32 fi (This fixes some weirdness in the way dchroot works with passing a command). linux32 is part of the util-linux-ng package. Now, for bind-mounting (don't do it via fstab, it will break): for p in tmp dev dev/pts dev/shm proc proc/bus/usb sys home; do mount --bind /$p /mnt/arch32/$p done mount --bind -o ro / /mnt/arch32/mnt/arch64 Do something similar for umount. The bindmount that leads back from arch32 to arch64 is useful to symlink resolv.conf and mtab, so I don't have to adjust resolv.conf in arch32 every time I switch networks. I also symlink some files from profile.d. I hope this makes it easier for you.