2008/2/20, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com>:
2008/2/20, Tobias Powalowski <t.powa@gmx.de>:
Hi ok guys, im quite busy at the moment i summarize here my plans for the new ISO:
- Release a new kernel with some other fixes i have prepared
- Move in some packages from TESTING: - openswan - rp-pppoe - netcfg ? status of new netcfg? - capi4kutils - e2fsprogs (possible bump before?) - xfsprogs (possible bump before?) - grub - device-mapper - tiacx - filesystem 2008.02 - initscripts 2008.02? is there a new version expected? - perl ? status on this task?
your thoughts on the packages in TESTING?
any other thoughts that might stop us?
grub-0.97-10 needs some fixes as Andy mentioned, e2fsprogs-1.40.5-2 wasn't signed-off yet, filesystem needs a /var/lock fix as Aaron already mentioned, initscripts needs a functions.d/* fix + udev-related changes I guess, also see FS#9122 (ex FS#7699), and I don't know what to do with FS#7574, I guess some testing in virtual machine is needed as I don't use lilo for a long time (could some dev who uses lilo help with this?)
forgot to mention that there are a couple of mkinitcpio-related bugs still open, and some klibc issues (Thomas knows more). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)