13 Jan
13 Jan
1:43 a.m.
On 11/01/11 08:26, Ángel Velásquez wrote:
2011/1/10 Ángel Velásquez<angvp@archlinux.org>:
2011/1/10 Jan de Groot<jan@jgc.homeip.net>:
I want to clear staging for other rebuilds (Poppler update with soname bump, but also libpng15 coming up). Unless someone objects, I want to see this thing moved to testing tomorrow.
Ok I could move perl stuff to testing tomorrow at night (when I will be @home), or someone prefeer to do it sooner? cc'ing Kevin
Done, all perl rebuilt stuff should be on [testing] in a couple of mins.
There is no signoff thread so I will signoff both here. Allan