Hi team, This is the final update before I start moving packages to AUR over this week. List of orphans required by maintained packages: - autoconf-archive: jgc: dbus, gspell, gnumeric tomegun: dbus, dbus-docs, libimobiledevice heftig: gst-plugins-base-libs, gstreamer, libgweather zorun: ring-daemon fyan: lib32-gst-plugins-good, lib32-gstreamer, deepin-metacity alucryd: hexchat, lib32-polkit faidoc: cinnamon-settings-daemon eschwartz: cinnamon-settings-daemon bgyorgy: budgie-desktop andyrtr: fontconfig lcarlier: lib32-dbus eworm: packagekit - bctoolbox: arojas: mediastreamer - bcunit: arojas: mediastreamer - blackbox: jlichtblau: bbpager - bmake: spupykin: lua51-alt-getopt, lua-alt-getopt, lua52-alt-getopt - bzrtp: arojas: mediastreamer - caja: bgyorgy: filemanager-actions eschwartz: xreader - cd-discid: schuay: abcde - cddb_get: jlichtblau: hacburn - cinepaint: eworm: gimp-ufraw - classpath: svenstaro: uwsgi-plugin-zabbix, uwsgi-plugin-jvm, uwsgi-plugin-pypy fyan: uwsgi-plugin-zabbix, uwsgi-plugin-jvm, uwsgi-plugin-pypy arodseth: clojure - convertlit: arojas: ebook-tools - db: pierre: php-imap, php-sqlite, php-odbc tpowa: smbclient, libwbclient, samba jgc: apr-util, evolution-data-server anatolik: apr-util bluewind: perl spupykin: opendkim, opensips, postgrey alucryd: lib32-db andyrtr: bogofilter schiv: jack lfleischer: libical bisson: postfix - dvgrab: bluewind: openshot - ecryptfs-utils: jsteel: clonezilla - enca: anthraxx: mplayer, mencoder jlichtblau: ogmrip - faenza-icon-theme: alucryd: faience-icon-theme - farstream: foutrelis: libpurple, pidgin, finch heftig: telepathy-farstream - frei0r-plugins: heftig: gnome-video-effects arojas: mlt, mlt-python-bindings - gamin: schiv: snd tpowa: smbclient, libwbclient, samba - giblib: anthraxx: scrot - gnustep-base: svenstaro: oolite heftig: meson anthraxx: meson - gnustep-gui: svenstaro: oolite - gnustep-make: svenstaro: oolite - goocanvas: bgyorgy: ocrfeeder jgc: libgda heftig: libgda jlichtblau: goocanvasmm - gpsbabel: jlichtblau: gebabbel - graphene: heftig: gst-plugins-bad - gwenhywfar: jlichtblau: aqbanking - hevea: spupykin: ejabberd zorun: coq, coqide, coq-doc arojas: libgiac, xcas - hunspell-hu: heftig: ibus-typing-booster - hunspell-it: heftig: ibus-typing-booster - hunspell-ro: heftig: ibus-typing-booster - hwloc: anthraxx: openmpi - idnkit: seblu: bind-tools, bind tpowa: archboot - ifplugd: tpowa: archboot - imlib: jlichtblau: kuickshow - intel-tbb: svenstaro: openimageio, opensubdiv, openshadinglanguage ronald: suitesparse kkeen: cryptominisat5 stativ: embree schiv: opencv - ispell: andyrtr: hunspell-de - jbigkit: jelle: netpbm eric: libtiff - js185: Archange: couchdb - lasem: jgc: goffice - lcms: fyan: lib32-lcms eworm: gimp-ufraw, gimp eric: geeqie tpowa: xsane-gimp, xsane arodseth: netsurf anthraxx: gimp lcarlier: devil - lib32-libcdio: schuay: pcsxr - libantlr3c: fyan: cvc4 - libcdaudio: eric: epplet-base - libdbi: jsteel: monitoring-plugins bisson: collectd eric: syslog-ng seblu: ulogd - libdiscid: lcarlier: kaudiocreator xyne: cmus bisson: python2-discid, python-discid bgyorgy: goobox jgc: sound-juicer heftig: sound-juicer - libdvbpsi: anthraxx: vlc - libfm-qt: jleclanche: lxqt-qtplugin, pcmanfm-qt, lximage-qt - libgadu: foutrelis: libpurple, pidgin, finch arojas: kopete - libgme: anthraxx: vlc bisson: mpd jlichtblau: qmmp heftig: gst-plugins-bad - libgoom2: anthraxx: vlc - libgovirt: bgyorgy: gnome-boxes - libkeybinder2: bgyorgy: lxpanel - liblouis: andyrtr: cups-filters jgc: orca - liblqr: ronald: digikam, kipi-plugins arojas: digikam, kipi-plugins heftig: libmagick6 eric: libmagick stativ: gimp-plugin-lqr - libnice: arojas: telepathy-gabble - libnids: zorun: dsniff - libnl1: seblu: keepalived, ipvsadm - libofa: ronald: amarok arojas: amarok heftig: gst-plugins-bad - libopenshot: bluewind: openshot - libraqm: heftig: libmagick6 eric: libmagick - libsidplayfp: jlichtblau: qmmp foutrelis: audacious-plugins - libtiger: anthraxx: vlc heftig: gst-plugins-bad - libtommath: andyrtr: libreoffice-still, libreoffice-fresh, libreoffice-fresh-sdk - libupnp: zorun: ring-daemon arojas: amule, mediastreamer anthraxx: vlc bisson: mpd - live-media: anthraxx: mplayer, vlc, mencoder - lua51: fyan: ibus-pinyin, uwsgi-plugin-zabbix, uwsgi-plugin-jvm spupykin: lua-sec, lua51-sec, lua51-expat svenstaro: uwsgi-plugin-zabbix, tolua++, uwsgi-plugin-jvm eric: rrdtool eworm: lua52-lpeg, lua51-lpeg, lua-lpeg lcarlier: widelands schuay: stone-soup arodseth: geany-plugins, lua51-bitop, lua52-bitop jlichtblau: fillets-ng kkeen: elinks ronald: celestia - lua52: spupykin: lua-sec, lua51-sec, lua51-expat anthraxx: wireshark-qt, wireshark-gtk, wireshark-common ronald: xmoto eworm: mpv, lua-lpeg, lua51-lpeg bisson: nmap svenstaro: wesnoth-data, wesnoth, lua51-mpack arodseth: lua51-bitop, lua52-bitop heftig: libquvi eric: freeciv - lua52-luajson: heftig: libquvi-scripts - lucene++: jlichtblau: poedit - lzop: jsteel: clonezilla - mate-common: eschwartz: xreader - maven: muflone: dbeaver guillaume: java-jline arodseth: clojure Foxboron: protege - media-player-info: jgc: rhythmbox heftig: rhythmbox ronald: kdelibs arojas: kdelibs, cantata, solid fyan: kdelibs, solid - mkinitcpio-nfs-utils: tpowa: archboot - mysql++: svenstaro: wt - netcf: shibumi: libvirt - netctl: tpowa: archboot - npapi-sdk: guillaume: icedtea-web, icedtea-web-doc - ocamlbuild: arodseth: camlp4 - ode: ronald: xmoto - ogmtools: jlichtblau: ogmrip - opencore-amr: alucryd: ffmpeg, ffmpeg2.8 eric: avidemux-cli, avidemux-qt, sox anthraxx: avidemux-cli, avidemux-qt heftig: gst-plugins-ugly - opendbx: spupykin: opendkim - openmotif: juergen: cmucl spupykin: xlockmore eric: nedit, fbida - ortp: arojas: mediastreamer - perl-clone: andyrtr: foomatic-db-engine remy: perl-data-compare - perl-convert-binhex: foxxx0: perl-mime-tools - perl-crypt-ssleay: bluewind: spamassassin spupykin: perl-finance-quote - perl-datetime-calendar-julian: shibumi: biber - perl-fcgi: bluewind: perl-cgi-fast, smokeping bpiotrowski: nginx seblu: nginx dan: munin-node, munin - perl-font-ttf: eric: nasm - perl-locale-gettext: anthraxx: clamtk jlichtblau: po4a, gprename tpowa: clawsker jelle: help2man - perl-math-round: spupykin: perl-datetime - perl-soap-lite: spupykin: bugzilla - perl-sort-key: shibumi: biber - perl-sort-versions: eric: nasm - perl-test-requiresinternet: eric: perl-libwww - perl-text-wrapi18n: jlichtblau: po4a - perl-time-modules: seblu: backuppc - perl-xml-libxml-simple: shibumi: biber - phantomjs: Archange: riot-web, riot-desktop - pptpclient: heftig: networkmanager-pptp tpowa: archboot - psiconv: jgc: gnumeric, abiword - python2-cheetah: kkeen: gnuradio, libvolk, gnuradio-osmosdr fyan: mongodb - python2-exiv2: jlichtblau: rapid-photo-downloader - python2-fastimport: alucryd: bzr-fastimport - python2-ipaddr: shibumi: virt-install - python2-keybinder2: bgyorgy: guake - python2-pyxmpp: spupykin: jmc - python2-telepathy: bgyorgy: sugar-toolkit-gtk3 - qtermwidget: jleclanche: qterminal - razor: bluewind: spamassassin - rp-pppoe: tpowa: archboot - shared-color-targets: heftig: gnome-color-manager - snarf: tpowa: archboot - sopcast: arodseth: qsopcast, gsopcast - speedtouch: tpowa: archboot - spice-gtk3: shibumi: virt-manager, virt-viewer bgyorgy: gnome-boxes jgc: vinagre heftig: vinagre spupykin: remmina - telepathy-idle: jgc: polari heftig: polari - telepathy-salut: bgyorgy: sugar - unicode-character-database: jgc: gucharmap heftig: gucharmap - uthash: shibumi: bfgminer - vcdimager: eric: xine-lib anthraxx: vlc - vpnc: heftig: networkmanager-vpnc anthraxx: openconnect tpowa: archboot - vtk6: bluewind: opencascade - w3c-mathml2: andyrtr: opengl-man-pages lcarlier: opengl-man-pages - wpa_actiond: tpowa: archboot - xmms2: bgyorgy: lxmusic, lxmusic-gtk3 fyan: osdlyrics - zziplib: remy: texlive-bin, libsynctex bisson: mpd schuay: desmume svenstaro: ogre List of orphans I'm going to drop (I spared some of the optdeps that looked useful, dictionaries, language packs and packages from MATE groups): adms adns-python ajaxterm anyfs-tools apg apvlv atanks aumix bash-docs bashdb bbdb bbrun bbswitch-lts bcg729 belle-sip beye bftpd bip bless btanks btanks-data btchip-udev bwbar bwidget c++-gtk-utils cacti catdvi cchost ccrypt cdbxx cdcd cdcover centerim chrony clearsilver clewn closure-compiler closure-linter cloud-init codeblocks commoncpp2 converseen cpulimit cryfs cuneiform cutter datemath debugedit delegate denemo devede dguitar diff2html directfb discid dosemu driconf dspam dvdauthor dvdrip dvdrtools dxpc dynamite ebizzy echat efax-gtk emacs-w3m-cvs emms emovix enter envoy fbdump fbgetty fbgrab fbnews fbpanel fbv festvox-ru flashrom fldiff flightgear flightgear-data floyd fonts-tlwg fossil freemat freeradius-client freetalk freewrl g2sc gambatte-qt gambatte-sdl gavl gcc-docs gcstar gimmage gl-117 gmerlin gmtk gnome-icon-theme-extras gnome-mplayer gnonlin gnormalize gnubiff gnuhtml2latex gnump3d gnustep-back gocr gpointing-device-settings gpsim gpsman gputils gq grace gramps grc gresolver grsync gshutdown gsql gst-editing-services gst-transcoder gtk-engine-aurora gtk-engine-murrine gtk2+extra gtk2_prefs gtkballs gtkdatabox gtkglextmm gtkperf gtkpod gtypist guvcview hashcash heimdall hex-a-hop ht ibam icewm-themes ico2xpm id3 idesk indent instead instead-launcher interlis-compiler isapnptools ivtv-utils judy kbd-ru-keymaps kmscon lat lcab leafnode lib32-nvidia-304xx-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia-304xx libacpi libdaq libdbi-drivers libdlna libee libestr libexosip2 libfastjson libhx liblogging libmatchbox libmatekbd libmatemixer libmateweather libopenshot-audio libosip2 libpcl libquicktime librcc librcd librelp librtfcomp libsmf libstrl libsynaptics libtsm libuser libview linphone linuxtv-dvb-apps lomoco lua-luajson lua-messagepack lua-sql-mysql lua-sql-postgres lua-sql-sqlite lua-testmore lua-zlib lua51-luajson lua51-messagepack lua51-testmore lua51-zlib lua52-messagepack lua52-testmore lua52-zlib luxmark lwp man-pages-it man-pages-ru matchbox-common matchbox-desktop matchbox-keyboard matchbox-panel matchbox-window-manager medit mime-editor mimetex mingw-w64-binutils mingw-w64-crt mingw-w64-gcc mingw-w64-headers mingw-w64-headers-bootstrap mingw-w64-winpthreads miniupnpd mirage miredo mod_itk moinmoin motion mp32ogg mp3gain mpck mrtg mypaint mythplugins-mytharchive mythplugins-mythbrowser mythplugins-mythgallery mythplugins-mythgame mythplugins-mythmusic mythplugins-mythnetvision mythplugins-mythnews mythplugins-mythweather mythplugins-mythweb mythplugins-mythzoneminder mythtv naim nanoblogger nautilus-open-terminal neatx nemesis nestopia net6 netcount netselect newt-syrup normalize npapi-vlc nuvexport nvdock nvidia-304xx nvidia-304xx-dkms nvidia-304xx-lts nvidia-304xx-utils nvidia-lts obconf-qt obexfs obexftp obextool ocrad opencl-nvidia-304xx openobex openocd openstreetmap-map-icons-svn openthreads orange osec p2c p3scan pam_mount parole parrot pavucontrol-qt pawm pdmenu perl-anyevent-i3 perl-net-upnp perl-xml-fast phoronix-test-suite php-docs pidgin-encryption pidgin-toobars pitivi pnews png2ico poco pppd-ldap pppd-ldap-simple proguard psqlodbc pstotext punbb pwsafe pyaimt pycddb pyicqt pyid3lib pympc pymsnt pyrss pyrtf python-bsddb python-btchip python2-bsddb python2-btchip python2-flup python2-genshi python2-iniparse python2-ipy python2-iwscan python2-lcms python2-mysql2pgsql python2-pybonjour python2-pylorcon python2-sensors python2-slowaes python2-tlslite python2-vorbissimple python2-wpactrl q4wine qps qpxtool qucs quesoglc quvi rakarrack rapidsvn rawstudio recoverdm rexima rftg ripperx rote roxterm rpc2 rss-glx rsyslog scite sdcc sdd sdlmame setserial simgear sisctrl sk1 sk1libs slrn snap-confine snapd snownews sofia-sip speakup-utils spice-glib splix sqlitebrowser sqlitemanager srm ssh-faker sub2srt swarp synce-core synce-libmimedir synce-mcfs synce-rra synce-sync-engine synfig synfigstudio tablelist tcc tcllib tcltls tdfsb tea telepathy-rakia tix tkabber tksystray tktheme tnef tnftp torcs torcs-data trac transcode tuxguitar tvision tvtime twin ude ultimate-ircd umleditor umlet unetbootin uniconvertor urlgrabber ussp-push ustr vapoursynth-plugin-f3kdb vbindiff vice vile vim-rails vmoviedb vncviewer-jar vor vorbissimple w3cam watchdog windowmaker windowmaker-extra winff wmctrl workrave wpa_supplicant_gui wput xchm xfe xml2 xmpppy xnc xpacman xpacman2 xpad xrestop xvkbd yagf yahoo-t