21 Mar
21 Mar
7:25 p.m.
Am Mon, 21 Mar 2022 18:52:14 +0100 schrieb Pierre Schmitz via arch-dev-public <arch-dev-public@lists.archlinux.org>:
Hi Christian,
there were some delays due to other rebuilds and lack of time/other issues.
So far I did not get any feedback, so I'd like to repeat my request for help. * If someone with more C knowledge could review the openssl-1.1 package that would be great * To all maintainers: Please have a look at https://md.archlinux.org/s/t8HOyhNOi and check if your package is listed as "failed to build". It would be great to add a note about the Openssl 3.0 support status (see notes I added for some core packages for example)
Are you aware of this list? https://github.com/loqs/PACKAGES-OSSL3 -Andy