We absolutely have the funds for that! Shouldn't be a problem at all. I haven't done an exact in/out estimation of funds, but we have more than enough in reserve to cover this for a while. On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de>wrote:
Am 28.03.2014 15:26, schrieb Ionut Biru:
We have to do something about it before getting a new invoice for this piece of crap. I see that Bluewind started to resolve a bit this issue but now it's offline again.
alderaan replacement - 32 gb ECC with 2x240gb ssd is a.k.a PX60-SSD 79€/mo + 99 € setup
brynhild replament (if we don't keep the current alderaan for building) - 32 gb non ecc - 49€/mo + 49€ setup.
We need to decide until 31 march.
Lets do a vote.
Let me forward that to Aaron to check if he can give his OK financially.
That would be a one time fee of 99 + 49 = 148 € and our monthly fees would increase by 30 €.
This means about 20 € extra for ECC RAM (if we still think that worth it) and 10 € for SSDs instead of spinning drives.
-- Pierre Schmitz, https://pierre-schmitz.com