On 2016-09-09 19:04, Aaron Griffin via arch-dev-public wrote:
Hi Philipp,
I'm going to forward this message to our public developer mailing list. I didn't actually have any part in the pkgstats utility, so am unaware of a lot of the details.
Hopefully someone else can answer.
Cheers, Aaron
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jovanovic Philipp <philipp.jovanovic@epfl.ch> Date: Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:32 PM Subject: Archlinux Usage Statistics
Dear all,
my name is Philipp Jovanovic and I am a researcher at EPFL’s Decentralized and Distributed Systems lab. Currently our team is working on a new framework to improve security of software updates. I saw that Archlinux has a pkgstats package [1] that allows to collected anonymised user statistics which were probably used to generated [2] and [3]? We would be very much interested in what exactly you did collect over the years and if there is any possibility to get a copy of the data to help evaluate our new framework?
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards, Philipp Jovanovic
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/pkgstats [2] https://www.archlinux.de/?page=RepositoryStatistics [3] https://www.archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics
As far as I know, most likely Pierre has access to the data. I don't think we host it directly on our infra. Bartłomiej