Hi guys, I just noticed that some binaries moved from /usr/bin to /bin, and thought I'd take this opportunity to gauge people's opinion about the situation. If I understand correctly /bin, /sbin and /lib are meant for files that might be needed by /etc/rc.sysinit during early boot, before /usr has been mounted. Everything else should go in the respective counterparts in /usr. At the moment we have a lot of binaries in /bin and /sbin that really do not need to be there, and I suggest that we slowly start tidying this up by moving them to /usr whenever we have the opportunity. We can add compatibility symlinks, where needed, so nothing should break. The pacakges with binaries outside of /usr are: community/busybox community/fgetty community/systemd community/tcsh extra/cpio extra/fuse extra/grub2-common extra/mt-st extra/ntfs-3g extra/pdksh extra/zsh core/bash core/bzip2 core/coreutils core/dash core/ed core/filesystem core/gawk core/grep core/grub core/gzip core/inetutils core/iputils core/kbd core/keyutils core/less core/mkinitcpio core/module-init-tools core/ncurses core/net-tools core/procps core/sed core/shadow core/sysvinit core/tar core/util-linux