Changes in these versions: klibc: - compile shared binaries by default (somehow this defaults to static in klibc 1.5) - patch klibc to be able to build klibc-module-init-tools - don't build insmod - rebuild against 2.6.23 headers klibc-extras: - update to 2.3, removed modprobe klibc-udev: - rebuild for new klibc, enable shared linking again klibc-module-init-tools: - initial commit to the repository (replaces insmod from klibc and modprobe from klibc-extras) mkinitcpio: - Fix #8448 - Change the base hook to work with klibc-m-i-t For reference, see these git repositories:;a=summary;a=summary The proper way for signoff is: - Build an mkinitcpio image with a different filname than the default, but the same options - Boot - Signoff Tested and booting on x86_64.