On 07/04/16 14:16, Dave Reisner wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to drop mkinitcpio-nfs-utils from the repos. I suspect (but would be happy to be proven wrong) that nobody uses this package. It's based on code extracted from klibc which, while still a somewhat active project, is lacking sorely in features in the network stack and NFS itself (supporting only nfs3).
If someone were interested in reviving this in the future, I'd suspect that it would be best to start from the ground up with a systemd-based initramfs, using nfs-utils and systemd-networkd. The best part of this deal would be that someone who actually uses this setup would then be maintaining the code!
Any objections?
Yes, used in archiso. Will be great if posible to migrate to pure systemd, but it does not provide such functionality and flexibility (cmdline params). Three years ago, I proposed a feature request in systemd, for some related things, but nobody was interested [#1]. [#1] https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2013-July/012397.html