12 Jan
12 Jan
9:03 a.m.
Am 09.01.2010 18:06, schrieb Thomas Bächler:
This is a bugfix release which (among other less important things) fixed the early userspace firmware loading problem. Please sign off.
Two minor bugs fixed from 0.5.27, most importantly http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/17793. Please sign off.
This will hopefully be the last release before we move to 0.6, which will have all klibc dependencies removed, see http://projects.archlinux.org/mkinitcpio.git/?h=kill-klibc for progress. Any contributions here are welcome, nothing works yet.
I think what we have now in the kill-klibc branch might actually boot in a standard setup (no raid, nfs, lvm, encryption), but I didn't try. I'll keep you posted.