On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:29:20 +0200 Alexander Baldeck <kth5@archlinuxppc.org> wrote:
Roman Kyrylych wrote:
2007/10/10, Tobias Powalowski <t.powa@gmx.de>:
Hi 2.6.23 packages built + modules issues: fglrx is not working and lirc needs probably to change to cvs again to compile. The rest was compilable, when should i checkin to testing? breaking ati cards in testing is it worth the trouble or delay it?
fglrx in testing is broken anyway, due to xorg 7.3.
What's the status on fglrx anyway? Has Travis done any further tests or research on when it will be fixed upstream?
Xorg 7.3 (and AIGLX) support, afaik, is supposed to be in the next release, which will be sometime this month if they keep up their release schedule. Kernel 2.6.23 support, however, I haven't found very much detail about at all. There's a patch for the -mm fglrx (8.40.4, not 8.41) in [unstable]'s CVS that allowed it to build - that might work for the 2.6.23 kernel as well, although it was a user-made patch, so it may not be perfect. I suggest giving that a shot, and if it doesn't work, push the kernel to testing anyway. -- Travis