Am 04.01.2011 17:38, schrieb Andreas Radke:
I've just updated udev and after a relogin to X no input was possible with keyboard or mouse. I had to ssh into it and reboot the system. Now it's working.
I'm not sure if the above mentioned 'udevadm info --convert-db' would have prevent this. Shouldn't this be added to the post.update script-let or make pacman to print at least a small note about this?
It's not clear whether this is a good idea. We do not restart udevd on update, so migrating a udev database seems like a bad idea. I also would have thought that this is no problem, as the old udevd is still running and uses the old database format (unless udevd re-exec's /sbin/udevd at some point, which IMO is also a bad idea, it should rather re-exec /proc/self/exe). As a general rule: A udev update should be followed by a reboot or a manual udevd restart (both of which would fix your problem).