On 10/18/2013 10:59 AM, Thomas Bächler wrote:
Am 18.10.2013 10:46, schrieb Timothy M. Redaelli:
On 06/25/2013 08:55 PM, Guillaume ALAUX wrote:
Hi everyone,
As the title says, I am going to orphan Wireshark. I do not use it on a regular basis which makes it complicated for me to make decisions on whether to implement this or that for this package. Plus it is far away from my Java skills!
If anyone is interested, help yourself. If no one steps forward I could also move it to community.
Hi, I'm interested in maintaining Wireshark, since I use almost every day at work.
The only problem is I can't maintain it in extra since I'm a Trusted User.
So, if nobody wants to maintain it in the extra repo, can you move it to community so I can start maintain it?
Nothing depends on wireshark, so it can safely go to community.
Moved. -- Bartłomiej Piotrowski http://bpiotrowski.pl/