[2020-02-16 19:51:19 -0500] Eli Schwartz via arch-dev-public:
On 2/16/20 7:47 PM, Gaetan Bisson via arch-dev-public wrote:
Dear all,
I'd like to post the following news item within the hour.
Title: sshd needs restarting after upgrading to openssh-8.2p1
Conent: After upgrading to openssh-8.2p1, the existing SSH daemon will be unable to accept new connections. When upgrading remote hosts, please make sure to restart the SSH daemon using `systemctl restart sshd` right after `pacman -Syu`.
I deeply regret not spotting this while the package was in [testing]. And I also regret not being able to diagnose what the exact problem is just now. Given time is of the essence, I propose posting the above news quickly even I don't consider it a very satisfying solution...
Is it sufficient to add a post_upgrade message?
Probably, yes but then we'd need a new package out of [testing] fast. And users might complain that the post_upgrade message wasn't visible enough... :) Cheers. -- Gaetan