24 hours till plane leaves MUC :) see you guys ----- Forwarded message from Wolfgang Drotschmann <drotschm@linuxtag.org> ----- Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 16:23:50 +0200 From: Wolfgang Drotschmann <drotschm@linuxtag.org> To: projects-announce@linuxtag.org Subject: [LT07-Pro-Announce] Infomail #7, May 28, 2007 Dear Projects, we are busily sorting out things at the site, thus just a quick infomail about o Booth Setup o Additional Tables and Chairs o How to Contact the Project's Office o Project Check-in Here we go... 1. Booth Setup LinuxTag and Messe Berlin spent a lot of ressources (time and money) in the fair and the presentation of Free Software Projects. Additionally, there is less space available for the booths this year. Thus the concept of "booth islands" and open design should be seen as a chance to abandon the habit of building up the booth nearly completely. Less can often mean more. Please keep in mind the view of a "normal" visitor. Too much furniture debases this concept. Together with you, Project Committee and Messe Berlin wants to do a inspection after construction on Tuesday evening. 2. Additional Tables and Chairs We'll have very few additional tables (and chairs) to distribute at setup time. At dismantling time please leave them at your booth, we'll collect them separately. 3. How to Contact the Project's Office You can reach us by phone via the Front Desk. Ask for Marko or Wolfgang. The number is: +49-30-3038-7550 4. Project Check-in Please send someone of your setup group to register the project at the Front Desk. There you will receive a "Welcome Package", including your exhibitor passes and a coupon for the social event tickets. See you tomorrow :-) Regards, Susanne Pfeifer, Wolfgang Drotschmann & Marko Jung Project Committee LinuxTag 2007 ----- End forwarded message -----