On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote:
A lot of people think ftp.archlinux.org is some special server and when kernel.org was breached, I saw claims like "the packages are the same as on ftp.archlinux.org", which made me worry that some users might trust this server too much. Since it's also limited to 50kb/s per connection, I think ftp.archlinux.org should either point to one of our servers, redirect to a random server (like the archlinux.de download links) or be removed.
If it exists for a special reason and you want to keep it, I'm fine with that too.
-- Florian Pritz
Tier-1 mirrors syncs from ftp.archlinux.org so I I don't think any of your proposed soloution would work. We could reduce the connection speed below 50kb/s but that might be a PITA for people that make a reasonable use of this server like us. You need to keep in mind that in addition to the repos, this server also has sourceballs for (L)GPL projects as well as source for dead projects and SCM snapshots (see other directory). Probably education would be the best solutions here, i.e. post a reminder.