What the heck is going on? I spent a good hour or two rebuilding the vim plugins for the correct location when vim first went into [testing] a few months ago, and with this new vim in testing, they are once again *all* broken. This is unacceptable as far as I am concerned. If I'm the only one that thinks so, I'll quiet down a bit, but I am getting awfully frustrated with this. If we move plugin locations or distro install locations, *all* packages dependent on this location need to be rebuilt. I even made it 10 times easier to do so by putting the path in a shell script variable! -Dan dmcgee@galway /etc $ pacman -Sl testing | grep 'vim-' testing vim-a 2.18-3 testing vim-bufexplorer 7.2.2-2 testing vim-buftabs 0.13-1 testing vim-colorsamplerpack 6.0-2 testing vim-doxygentoolkit 0.2.4-1 testing vim-guicolorscheme 1.2-1 testing vim-matchit 1.13.2-1 testing vim-minibufexpl 6.3.2-5 testing vim-omnicppcomplete 0.4.1-2 testing vim-project 1.4.1-3 testing vim-taglist 45-2 testing vim-vcscommand 29-2 testing vim-workspace 1.0b1-3