* some pkgs have licence-formatting issues (Apache instead of APACHE or gpl instead of GPL ... we change the formating? licences are all-caps always?)
It seems the precident is for common licenses, list them as all caps- of course, this makes sense for things that are abbreviations such as the GPL but not so much for APACHE. I'd be up for change, but we *really* need to document this. Our wiki article should have hard and fast guidelines for things like this.
It made much more sense when it was APL, but apparently people didn't know what the Apache Public License was...
The script I used to generate that list checked, for each license in licenses, is it "custom"? If not, then does a folder structure exist at /usr/share/licenses/common/${license}? If no, then it's invalid. Since the folders in /usr/share/licenses/common are capitalized, I think the entries in the license array should be as well.
Looking at it this way, caps seems stupid for licenses unless it is intended to be that way (e.g. GPL, BSD).
I do like the licenses being all caps. That's how I think of licenses. Either way, how would you case apache to make it more proper? Apache? Jason