Am 07.01.2014 16:53, schrieb Martin Wimpress:
One of the packages I'd like to move from the AUR to [community] is `libaacs` [1]. I think is suitable because I see that `libdvdcss` is in [extra].
But after a chat in #archlinux-tu I was suggested that I should check here first.
At least libdvdcss is probably illegal in the US under the DMCA (I am no lawyer, but this is what I "heard"). In Germany, for example, libdvdcss is legal since the CSS protection has been declared "ineffective" by a court and thus working around it is legal (I have no idea if software by itself can even be illegal in Germany). libaacs cannot break AACS encryption without extra data (which is not and should not be delivered with the package). I have no idea how this would affect its standing under the DMCA or any other law in any country. The same goes for the newly released libbdplus. IMO, if we can publish a libdvdcss build, we can also publish a libaacs build - thus far nobody ever cared.