[2012-09-05 13:23:33 +0200] Andreas Radke:
News draft:
May I suggest the following version: fontconfig 2.10.1 update - manual intervention required Symlinks formerly created by the post_install script of fontconfig will now be part of the package starting with version 2.10.1. To resolve the detected conflicts, you may safely force this upgrade by running: pacman -Syf fontconfig pacman -Su Remember that most system-wide fontconfig configuration tasks (such as enabling auto-hinting, sub-pixel rendering, or lcd-filter) should be done by creating symlinks from files under /etc/fonts/conf.avail to /etc/fonts/conf.d. For details, see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Font_Configuration and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fonts. -- Gaetan