5 May
5 May
5:29 a.m.
On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Evangelos Foutras <evangelos@foutrelis.com>wrote:
I'm in the process of fixing kdelibs3. I notice that optipng doesn't fix all png files. Some are still broken after running optipng on them. I still need to figure out how to fix them (maybe I need to use an optipng
On 5 May 2013 01:31, Eric Bélanger <snowmaniscool@gmail.com> wrote: option).
This is just a heads up.
I use the following in prepare():
find -name '*.png' -exec optipng -quiet -force -fix {} +
Without -force it might choose not to optimize (and thus fix) a file.
I'll add it to the todo description.
Thanks. That worked.