On 30 March 2014 15:14, Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am 30.03.2014 11:21, schrieb Guillaume ALAUX:
I have been working on a package based on OpenJDK8 built from source but without IcedTea that I think would fit to our repos. I still have some work for it to be released but I would be in favor of pushing this "OpenJDK without IcedTea" to extra until IcedTea v3.0 stable is out and could be used to build/augment our package.
Any thought/objection/remark about?
So this OpenJDK would then be identical to what Oracle offers as binary download? What do the IceTea patches provide then? If in doubt I would applayy our "don'T patch" policy and ship whatever we get from upstream.
-- Pierre Schmitz, https://pierre-schmitz.com
The result would resemble the one provided by Oracle as binary download yes.
What do the IceTea patches provide then? They are fixes that the IcedTea team wishes upstream would accept and cleanup of the build system (such as stop using shipped libraries and use system ones). See the list of patches [0].
If in doubt I would applayy our "don'T patch" policy and ship whatever we get from upstream **We** (Arch Linux) do not patch anything here. We are just wondering which way to go between: 1- build from upstream OpenJDK by Oracle (the build process and result are kind of "dirty", it builds against included libraries that are shipped afterwards - libpng, libjpeg, ...) 2- build from upstream OpenJDK by Oracle AND upstream IcedTea on a pre-release version (are we OK with a pre-release on our repos? This could go to "testing"?) 3- ship an already built by Oracle binary version (not in favor of this one - this is what is in AUR as "jdk" and "jre") 4- do not ship Java 8 at all and wait for IcedTea8 stable to come out (when?)
[0] http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/IcedTea_Patches_for_OpenJDK_8