Aaron Griffin wrote:
SYSADMIN - An existing Arch developer who will manage the Linux box I provide and the accounts for the SCM system. This person should have at least a small amount of time each day to handle management tasks related to the project.
DEVELOPERS - There will be some straight-up development work needed to get us from the SCM system and layout to an actual management system for repos. We may benefit from some work already done by others (pacman3, AUR, main site repo management tools) but we will need to do some original coding here. I will be somewhat involved in the design and coding, but will choose three (3) people to help with development. ANYONE is a potential candidate.. send me and email and tell me why you'd make a good candidate. Focus on good ideas you have for the system, languages you're comfortable in, how much of Getting Things Done (GTD) you've implemented for yourself, and amount of time you'll have to give to the project in June and July.
I'd volunteer for the above two. On the other hand, you named quite a few advantages over the old layout. I guess you don't really know what it should look like in detail yet eh?
Cheers, -T