On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 11:26:58PM +0200, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Am Dienstag, 8. April 2008 23:17:38 schrieb Jason Chu:
If you're moving a package from testing to extra, usually an "archrelease extra" is all you need from the trunk directory. You do *not* need to upload the package again.
So the package itself is moved by the db-scritps then? And there is no need to move arround file in /home/ftp manually or put anything in our staging dirs?
It all depends on how testing2extra does it. /arch/db-extra definitely won't do it. Basically, everything from the db repo forward is all the same. The difference is how the PKGBUILDs are stored and kept track of. I don't know how to explain it without getting all wordy. I'm interested in what Thomas has to write so that I can clarify things and give more information as people need to learn more. Jason