On 01/03/2018 10:05 AM, Bartłomiej Piotrowski via arch-dev-public wrote:
- autoconf-archive: jgc: dbus, gspell, gnumeric tomegun: dbus, dbus-docs, libimobiledevice heftig: gst-plugins-base-libs, gstreamer, libgweather zorun: ring-daemon fyan: lib32-gst-plugins-good, lib32-gstreamer, deepin-metacity alucryd: hexchat, lib32-polkit faidoc: cinnamon-settings-daemon eschwartz: cinnamon-settings-daemon bgyorgy: budgie-desktop andyrtr: fontconfig lcarlier: lib32-dbus eworm: packagekit
- caja: bgyorgy: filemanager-actions eschwartz: xreader> - mate-common: eschwartz: xreader
I will maybe look into maintaining mate, actually. I used it and liked it before I moved to Cinnamon. :D
List of orphans I'm going to drop (I spared some of the optdeps that looked useful, dictionaries, language packs and packages from MATE groups):
python{,2}-html5lib has an optional genshi treewalker, so I'll adopt this and build it for py2/3 together with a few other changes (tests!). -- Eli Schwartz