Allan McRae schrieb:
dbus-core: passwd (shadow)
Add it.
e2fsprogs: install-info (texinfo)
Quite a few things depend on e2fsprogs, I wouldn't be surprised if there was another dep loop if we add it. I suggest the same magic as for glibc.
fakeroot echo (coreutils)
echo is a shell builtin, /bin/echo will never be used.
filesystem: chmod (coreutils) grep
Add it.
heimdal install-info (texinfo)
inetutils install-info (texinfo)
ipw2100-fw cat (coreutils)
ipw2200-fw cat (coreutils)
libsasl cat (coreutils)
The above shouldn't be a problem, add them.
mlocate: echo (coreutils)
see above.
ndiswrapper perl - /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper: /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
tiacx-firmware cat (coreutils)
Can be added too.
udev: filesystem - warning: can't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
This is a warning from mount for the post-install /dev nodes magic. Shouldn't be a problem, as we don't need fstab (mount still tries to open it, /me shrugs).
The install-info ones can be fixed without adding an additional dep in the same way as readline, bash and glibc now do. All the cat and echo calls can probably be replaced with a bash builtin (printf) although I have not tested. The others should have dependencies added to stop install script failures but I have not check if that would create loops (I think most are fine).
Add the install-info like in glibc in cases of packages that are very low-level and might potentially create loops. For the others, I'm okay with a dep. As I said, echo is a shell builtin, and unless we call /bin/echo explicitly, the builtin will be used (it's not only a builtin in bash, but also dash, so we should be fine). We could replace 'cat XYZ | command' with 'command < XYZ'.
The install scripts for lilo and vi also fail if bash is not installed (for some unknown reason). Lilo is just and old style "/bin/true" script so is easily fixed but I do not understand these two issues...
No idea here too, maybe one of the commands calls /bin/sh or so. Making lilo and vi depend on "sh" or so is okay IMO.