I'd like to bring the Novell "fork" of OpenOffice.org to testing and later to extra. But it's not (yet) a real fork. More a major improvement in features and lower packager maintenance. It also allows installation into /usr instead of /opt. Beside Novell/SuSE also Gentoo, Frugalware, ArkLinux and Debian use it as their main office suite. It has some additional features (svg support, multimedia for presentations, faster startup and kde(3) integration, hopefully later easy splitted packages). But main reason is faster integration of fixes and features. Not one additional patch is required to build it :) See http://go-oo.org/discover/ for more. I'm still unsure if it will become an additional flavor of OOo in our repos or if I will make it later a complete replacement of the Vanilla Sun OpenOffice for ArchLinux. It also gives our devs and community members an easier way to contribute to go-oo, e.g. you can help porting for KDE4 integration that is still in (so they told me) unusable state. Any objections adding go-openoffice? -Andy (technical note: build requirements are even higher than for vanilla OOo, 13gb space proved to be no more enough space to build this monster... - have fun with 'abs')