On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
Roman Kyrylych a écrit :
2008/3/24, Dan McGee <dpmcgee@gmail.com>:
Minor upgrade (12 -> 14), please signoff. If pacman -Syu works, you are fine. We can probably sneak this one onto the ISO if we get signoffs soon enough...
I do need a build for x86_64, sorry I couldn't do it myself.
This version still cannot install/upgrade git correctly. There is /usr/share/gitweb/test/Märchen in the package which gets extracted to /usr/share/gitweb/test/M which is not tracked by pacman, and thus upgrading git fails due to conflicting file. But this is not a regression from previous version and everything else is fine, so I guess this is signoff (i686).
So you can't confirm what I said there : http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/9906#comment26299 ?
Roman, I haven't seen this bug come up for ages- it came up once for be becuase pacman had lost track of that file. But it is extracted correctly here just fine. $ ls /usr/share/gitweb/test/ Märchen file with spaces file+plus+sign libarchive 2.4.14 (.12 worked just fine too), locale en_US.utf8, pacman 3.1.3 (all 3.1.X have worked fine), git (I believe and were OK as well) -Dan